Wednesday, January 10, 2007

RSS - Useful stuff

I had no idea that the RSS had so many things for you to subscribe to. No wonder it has become for popular. It really can make life easier for people who check many news/interest sites every day. Initally I had a hard time subscribing to the feeds that I was interested in but once I figured it out its pretty painless. There is still one I cannot figure out. I also added co-workers blogs to my blogline and that was easy. But learning that I can do all of this is actually takes more of my time because now I have myspace and bloglines and gmail etc, etc to visit whereas before I didn't.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Great job, Karen! RSS is a HUGE time sink, but it really does beat the time it would take to actually visit all of those sites - and you are a well-informed person, too!!