Friday, January 26, 2007

Search engines

Today I've been experimenting with search engines. I tried all of them with a search that I've conducted a few times in the past. I am looking for supplies to replace a broken snowglobe. Until today I've not have any luck in finding any. I found what I was looking for on clusty and mooter. For the most part though the results were pretty much the same. Kartoo was unique in the way it presented the results but I would have to use it more to really be comfortable with it. Actually, to really find which works the best for me I would need to experiment a lot more with all the them. I don't know if I 2 minute search can really be enough to decide, I think it would be best over weeks of trying different ones with different searches. The three I liked the best were exalead, mooter and clusty, along with the standard yahoo. They felt the most comfortable to use. I don't feel comfortable enought with tagging to like gravee and wink and kartoo were different.

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